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Danny Vierra

The expert on the clean colon Danny Vierra is the creator of Almighty Cleanse. He is a recognized authority in the world of nutrition and health; spending most of his life helping people lead healthier lives. He has attended the School of Natural Healing, the Herbal Symposium, and has served as Director of the Bella Vita Lifestyle Education Center as a Program Director and Educator. At Bella Vita he created and taught classes in herbal cleansing, cooking, exercise instruction and hydrotherapy. Danny has also traveled the world educating people about healthy living and nutrition. For the last 22 years Danny has run a successful health food store where through direct customer feedback he has been able to develop the unique and amazing two-part cleansing system, Almighty Cleanse. Danny Vierra curently resides in Lodi, California.

Danny Vierra has teamed up with ITV the exclusive distributor of Almighty Cleanse. The company is located in Beverly, Massachusetts and has created some of the most successful infomercials on television. ITV has been in business many years and has a large staff to handle every aspect of marketing and selling health related products. During 2006 ITV Ventures was started to give entrepreneurs and self employed individuals the chance to participate in the companies new network marketing division. By combining infomercials with network marketing a new business has been born allowing individuals to receive an income without having to hold meetings or sell to friends and acquaintances as is typical in other network marketing companies.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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